Requirements Clauses and Changes in Issue 4 of BRC Packaging Standard

The format of the Requirements has been updated to be consistent with other BRC Global Standards and therefore does not include Best Practice Guidelines. The Requirements have been reviewed and expanded and several new sections have been incorporated in light of industry requirements. The number of clauses now total a maximum of 242 (from 178) and include more detailed guidance and clarity to facilitate interpretation for certification bodies and companies. Particular reference is made to the following:

* Management Commitment and Continual (clause 1)

Management Commitment and Continual Improvement has been extensively revised to ensure that a high priority is placed on clear evidence of senior management commitment in the provision of resources and communication. Continual improvement shall be effected through comprehensive management reviews. Additional requirements specific to the audit process include having the current issue of the Standard and ensuring effective corrective action for non-conformities is undertaken.

* Hazard and Risk Management (clause 2)

Hazard and risk management has been comprehensively reviewed and contains guidance to companies to ensure a thorough hazard and risk analysis is undertaken. Now split into 3 subsections it contains requirements for a trained multidisciplinary team and annual review.

* Customer Focus and Contract Review (clause 3.3)

Customer Focus and Contract Review is now included which specifies the requirement to identify and review customer requirements and those individuals who communicate with customers.

* Site Security (clause 4.2)

In response to current issues, Site Security has been pulled together as a stand alone section, requiring controlled access and training of staff and secure storage of materials.

* Product Design and Development (clause 5.1)

A new section of Product Design and Development has been incorporated which requires customer design requirements to be defined and agreed and used to develop procedures and specifications.

* In-line Testing Equipment (clause 5.2)

The control of In-line Testing Equipment is now covered, where the need shall be based on hazard and risk analysis and controlled by documented procedures. The BRC will be working more closely with certification bodies and accreditation bodies to improve the infrastructure through training and the development of performance monitors.

From the above mention clause following are the Fundamental requirement of this standard (Any major NCR in below clauses lead to non certificate)

Clause No.

1.2 – Senior Management commitment

2.2 – Hazard and Risk analysis

3.3 – Internal Audits

3.7 – Specifications

3.9 – Traceability

4.9 – Housekeeping and Cleaning

5.3 – Process Control

6.1 – Training and Competence

To allow time for retailers, producers and certification bodies to become fully familiar with the new requirements and for the BRC to develop their support and infrastructure the BRC had recognize certification against the revised Standard for Issue 4 from August 2011. the user of this kit are suggested to purchase the BRC standard from BRC site and now it is BRC standard requirement to have original copy of BRC standard in the companies going for BRC. Read all the requirements of BRC from the standard and it is self explanatory and discussed by point wise in the slides. For your ready reference we are giving key requirements of BRC standard as below.

* KEY BRC requirements to take care

1. Quantity Measurement

Quantity Measurement looks at both food and non-food products that are subject to the weights and measures regulations. The Guideline reviews the documentation evidence needed to record the manufacturing process of a product.

2.Metal Detection

Metal Detection ensures all necessary steps are taken to identify, avoid, eliminate or minimise the risks of metal or other foreign body contamination by covering how a metal detector works, what type of metal detector to install, positioning, calibration, production line checks and frequency, rejected products and maintenance.

3. Internal Audit

Systems and procedures which are critical to product safety, legality and quality need to be audited to ensure they are in place, appropriate and complied with. The guidelines cover determining the frequency of checks, auditor training, auditor reports and corrective action.

4. Pest Control

A pest control contractor or appropriately trained personnel should regularly inspect and treat premises to deter and eradicate infestation. This guideline covers the level of pest control needed, necessary inclusions for a contract with an external contractor, installation, routine monitoring, bait takes, determining frequency of checks and the field biologist’s role.

5. Process Validation – Low Acid Canning

This Guideline explain process validation point by point for low acid canning, it also covers product areas that require validation and how to conduct process validation with the aim to produce safe and legal products.

6. Complaint Handling

Sources of complaints that impact on both the retailer and the supply chain are examined. The Guideline looks at the systems needed to handle them, how to respond to the customer, investigations of complaints and includes all necessary complaints documentation.

7. Shelf-Life Determination

Proper shelf-life determination analysis is critical to ensure the longevity of the product. This Guideline reviews all the necessary procedures and documentation that both the retailer and supply chain will need.

8. Product Recall

Product recall and withdrawal procedures should be regularly tested to ensure effective operation. This Guideline provides information on product recall simulation,

9.Traceability Testing

Systems need to be regularly tested to make sure tractability can be determined from raw material to finished product and vice versa. This publication looks at the benefits of Tractability Testing, determining the frequency of checks and dealing with non-conformances.

What Matters and What Doesnt in the Fight to Find the Best New York Bookkeepers

What matters in finding the best New York bookkeepers can be hard to determine, largely because every business is different and each person is going to be looking for different aspects that make them comfortable. Still, one aspect that all industry analysts can all agree is that finding bookkeepers that have relevant experience is important. What is relevant experience? If the business is a start-up, it’s very important to find a firm that specializes in the unique needs that neophyte businesses have. If they have that kind of experience and they have experience in a given industry, this is doubly good news and that can be enough to find a pool to select from. But this isn’t the only thing because when dealing with startups, it’s critical that there’s mutual respect and good understanding because there’s likely to be involvement and potentially a mentoring relationship that will exist between the two parties.

The problem is that too many bookkeepers that are qualified to help start-ups end up only focusing on large corporations because they tend to be more lucrative. Start-ups won’t get the time and advice they need and the firm won’t see the account as profitable enough and it becomes a low priority and that benefits no one. Those accountants have good knowledge, but they may not have the time or customer service focus to properly work with someone just creating a start up.

In these situations, a person setting up their first business will have many more issues and require more guidance than a more experienced customer who only needs an accountant to balance books and file paperwork. But a qualified company that takes the time to work and grow with the start-up can be rewarded when that company succeeds and becomes much larger.

Aside from these abstract issues, there’s a cold hard fact that all New York businesses and New York bookkeepers need to be aware of: These start-ups tend to have a lot of tax issues early on from both state and local. For a new business who has spent the past year working 16 hour days and 7 day weeks, the prospect of an audit is enough to cause a mental breakdown and this is where a good New York bookkeeper can avoid these problems and allow the entrepreneur to really focus on their major concerns. But the problem is that many accountants have differing specialties and picking one that may not have enough start-up experience or enough within a vertical and that is a recipe for disaster, be it early on or down the road.

Even among these experienced accountants, separating the ones that will save money from those that will end up costing a lot of money because of mistakes, is not easy. It can be extremely difficult to find the right experience and the right bedside manner. Not only does a prospective client need to ask the New York bookkeeper a lot of questions, but they need to ask themselves a lot of questions and rely on how much experience they have and how much help they think they’ll need.

The most spectacular way to perform a Straight arm pullover

This one is a convenient version of the pullover that is not very popular yet helpful. For those who practice this exercise regularly at the gym, they receive results that last for a lifetime. So, let us take a look at this incredible straight-arm pullover workout that will change the game for you!

How are the straight arm pulldown muscles worked?
There is a reason why so many trainers at the gym recommend the straight arm pullover as an efficient exercise. For the upper body, this workout can help make movements easier by working out the right muscles. Since it also targets the lats, this exercise leaves a lasting impact on this body part. As you keep the arms straight in this exercise, you also prevent the mid-back and biceps from taking over the movement. As a result, you are drawing total concentration on your upper body and making sure to foster flexibility. The straight arm pulldown muscles worked are not only strong but also healthy in many ways.

How to do a straight arm pulldown at home?
1. Attach a rope handle to a high pulley of a cable station. Hold the edges in both hands and stand facing the cable station.

2. Now, pull your shoulder blades back together and down. Pretend to stuff them in your back pockets so, make movements like that.

3. Pull your ribs down, tuck your tailbone under and brace your core. Your torso should feel solid. Bend your hips back until your torso is at a 30-45-degree angle.

4. Step back from the station a bit. This will help create tension for you. At this point, your arms will be extended, fully overhead. This will make you feel a stretch on your lats. Set your feet at shoulder width.

5. Gradually, drive your arms down to the sides. Lockout your elbows. Your hands must align with each other. Repeat the exercise all over again. This is how you can have your straight arm pulldown muscles worked.

How to do a rope straight arm pulldown?
The rope straight arm pulldown is a variation of the straight arm exercise. This pulldown workout is beneficial for the lats as well as the body muscles. As this exercise is convenient to perform, it can be practiced by both novices and professionals. If you want to perform this workout, follow the instructions to leave no stone unturned.

How to perform rope straight arm pulldown? Stand in front of a high pulley with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure that both your knees are slightly bent. You must hold the attachment with both your hands. This is your start position. Once you are ready, keep your arms fully extended. Now, pull the rope downwards till it reaches your hip. Your hands must reach your sides. Don’t change the position of your trunk as that may make things awful for you. Once you reach the bottom, pause for a few seconds. Keep breathing gradually. Repeat the rope straight arm pulldown a few times to get the desired benefits.

Straight arm pulldown alternatives to try now
Although the straight arm pulldown is a good work out many find it a bit complexing. The cable machine and pulley make this task seem slightly daunting. But don’t worry. Just because you find this exercise difficult doesn’t mean you have to give up on its benefits as well. Here are a few top straight arm pulldown alternatives to try out right away!

1. Commando traction
Commando traction is one of the most effective straight arm pulldown alternatives. If you are looking to work on the vertical plane, this exercise will come in handy. Here’s how to do it- Hold the bar tightly with both your hands. Make sure that your hands are parallel to one another. The bar must be running crosswise above your head. Create traction by going with the head to the right side. Then do it on the contrary. Repeat the exercise for added benefits.

2. Straight arm dumbbell pullover
This one is a useful way to work out your muscles without much hindrance. Here’s how to perform it- Grasp a dumbbell in both hands and allow your arms to hang down on your body. Let the palms face forward. Now, bend the forearm and bring the dumbbell to your shoulders. Then lower your shoulders slightly. Exercise your biceps with this dumbbell workout.

3. Horizontal traction
This one is another potential straight arm alternative to try out right away.

Grab a barbell with both your hands. If you want to overload the exercise, keep the weight higher so that there is more weight to pull down. Try and perform as many repetitions as you can for this exercise. It will help immensely.

The bottom line
These were some of the best straight arm pulldown workouts to try at home. Don’t forget to try one if you want to grasp the benefits for yourself.

1. Name one more straight arm pulldown alternative to try at home.

Bent arm barbell can work wonders in this case.

2. Is the rope straight arm pulldown helpful?

Yes. If you follow the steps correctly, the workout will become more convenient to perform.

3. Are the straight arm pulldown muscles worked?